About the Council

The Icelandic Climate Council is an independent body whose role is to hold authorities accountable and provide advice on policy objectives and specific measures related to climate change.  

Members of the Council represent the business community, academia, municipalities, the labour movement, and environmental NGOs. Additionally, representatives from other stakeholders can be asked to participate as considered necessary at any given point in time. The Minister for the Environment and Natural Resources appoints the chair and the vice chair of the Council and has also appointed representatives of youth. 

The Climate Council shall be impartial and independent in its work. 

International cooperation

International cooperation on climate change is based on the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change from 1992. The treaty focuses, inter alia, on mitigation, adaptation, finance and transfer of technology. Iceland in one of 197 Parties to the Convention.

Loftslagsráð - Samantekt um kolefnishlutleysi

Adaptation and Impact of Climate Change

Scientists at the Icelandic Met Office lead the work of a Scientific Committee on Climate Change in Iceland and the Met Office is the national focal point for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The fourth report on the impacts of climate change in Iceland was issued in October 2023.